For over two years now the monthly revenue generated from gambling in Macau had been on the increase, however many experts in the gambling industry had been speculating that those figures were bound to go into decline sooner rather than later.
Well, for the first time in two years those income figures have finally gone done just that and gone into the predicted decline, and it is the fact that the Chinese economy has been weakening which has been the main reason those income figures have started to drop.
Based on last year’s figures for January compared to this year’s figures there has been a drop of some 5% in the gambling income generated in Macau, and whilst 5% may not seem a lot in the grander scheme of things that equates to a huge drop based on the fact the income that was generated in January of this year was some $3.1 billion in total.
However, it wasn’t all doom and gloom for casino operators based in Macau, for financial experts had been predicting the income drop would be around the 9% mark, so a 5% drop in income whilst expected wasn’t as large as it could have been.
It does also look like the gambling figures moving forward month on month throughout 2019 are going to be in decline based on last years figures, but Macau being the gambling Mecca it is, will always attract gamblers and should be able to ride out the storm quite well and bounce back in no time.
For let’s face, it they have been having something of a boom recently, for month on month the income figures generated from the casinos based there has been increasing for 29 months consecutively.