Whilst the scandals surrounding the building of a land-based casino in Japan continue to raise eyebrows, what is now becoming very apparent is that there is only one gambling company that is likely to be awarded with the license to build and operate that casino.
That company is MGM Resorts, and what has just given them a massive increase in the chances of them being awarded with that license, is that only other company still showing any interest in obtaining that license has pulled out of the race to bid for it.
In a very unusual move, Genting Singapore announced that they are no longer interested in bidding for the license to operate a land based casino in Japan, and as such they will no longer be spending any more time or effort attempting to do so.
That does now pave the way for MGM Resorts, who in all fairness do have the expertise needed to operate such a venue.
In fact, in total there are plans to open three land based casinos in Japan in the next few years, so MGM Resorts may be best positioned, in fact they are, to be awarded with each of those licenses, which will give them a complete monopoly on the land based casino scene in Japan.
In total eight gambling related companies initially showed a great deal of interest in being granted with a license to operate a casino in Japan, but one by one seven of them have dropped out.
Whether the powers that be in Japan will pick MGM Resorts or decide to suspend the bidding process until additional companies show some interest remains to be seen, but it is looking very unlikely any other company is going to suddenly appear on the scene and throw their hats into the ring.